The Most Popular Theme Park Rides To Choose From

Going to an amusement park can be a great way for a family to reap entertainment out of an afternoon. Most of us have our local six flags that we may or may not buy seasonal passes for. While that’s great for local ventures within the state, a lot of us dream of the coveted Disney parks centered across the globe or in America’s back yard “cough” Florida “Cough”. Universal studios is also a great option and has some of the most high tech rides available.

A simple county fair or a rodeo may have been where you road your last ride. Getting off that roller coaster can be much easier then getting on as speed and intensity wain on your enthusiasm for that simple dare. Let’s talk about amusement park rides and which may be considered the best for your event or just to visit. Check here to know more about the popular theme park rides:

The Classic Roller Coaster

Roller coasters use momentum rather then motors to propel the rider on the tracks. Many coasters reach speeds excelling past 100 mph. They often have steep inclines and falls that aren’t for the faint of hearted. You’ll feel topsy-turby as it pushes you up and over on a loop. While roller coasters ( can provide you with the scariest experience of a lifetime, there are kids’ ones that are low intensity. Some of them can even be compared to a train. The lower the intensity the ride is, the cheaper it tends to be to build. Less track and novice engineers can mean providing one to a fair that’s a cheaper rental.

Alpine Slide

An alpine slide can be easily installed and can take the rider through scenery. While there are alpine ride roller coasters, what we’re talking about is a track that stays stationary on the ground and propels the rider through scenery and parks. They’re cost effective but can be dangerous if you do not choose a qualified professional to have one built.

Drop Tower

Drop towers fall so quickly they could be used as training for those who eventually want to go into sky diving. They’re typically between 350 to 450 feet tall. While they seem faster then roller coasters because of their free-falling nature, most of them will only reach a speed of 60 mph. It’s a ride that’s easy to build and transport. With that, most people are too afraid to ride. Teenagers and adults are recommended as children may find this ride too terrifying.

Log Flume

There’s a ride that’s a crossbreed between a water slide and a roller coaster that most people expect to see when they go to a theme park. Log Flume rides are often longer in duration then roller coasters, lower intensity, and come with a little splash. What’s classic about them is the free fall that leaves everyone soaking wet when they reach the bottom.

Isn’t It Time We All Went?

It’s important to look up reviews before either going to a park or purchasing the theme park rides yourself. While these are some of the most common rides found at fairs and amusement parks, there are many others out there to try and learn about.